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Fashion Revolution Week, a week dedicated to the future of fashion.

Writer's picture: Claire DartiguesClaire Dartigues

Photo : Claire Dartigues

You must have seen on Instagram, designers, dressmakers, manufacturers, producers holding up an “I made your clothes” poster. This communication action is signed BY Fashion Revolution.

From April 19 to 25, Fashion Revolution Week takes place, an event organized by the Fashion Revolution collective, promoting the ambition to create a better textile industry. On the program: Webinar alongside Max Havelaar, Masterclass on the future of fashion or even upcycled fashion competition.

A wonderful committed program for all those who believe in free and sustainable fashion.

This year will be 8 years since the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh collapsed, leaving 1,138 dead and 2,000 injured. Today the Rana Plaza factory is the symbol of a fight against deplorable working conditions. 8 years later, the collective wants to focus on the interdependence of human rights and nature. It’s a whole system that now needs to be changed.

What's the Fashion Revolution ?

Photo : Fashion Revolution

It is a global NGO of English origin, bringing together citizens, associations and collectives in 92 countries. Their mission: to educate about social, environmental and economic issues within the manufacturing and marketing chain of the fashion industry. Carry Somers, founder of Pachacuti, is the initiator. Founding this collective, she decided in 2014 that the tragedy of the Rana Plaza factory would be the end of an industry, and the start of a revolution.

Fashion Revolution's goals

Poster : Jada Bruney

On a daily basis, the Fashion Revolution works for a global pact to curb human exploitation and the degradation of ecosystems. The collective calls on brands to change their relationship with people and nature to solve the challenges facing the fashion industry. With their “Who made my clothes” or “what’s in my clothes” posters, the Fashion Revolution wants brands to be fully transparent. Take responsibility for the supply chain to be honest with the consumer.

The collective wishes to make a CSR policy a global policy in the fashion sector. And by that, they mean support for local suppliers, fair pricing, a guarantee of health and safety at work, respect for workers, limitation of waste, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and use sustainable natural resources.

The Fashion Revolution in 2020

The collective released its report on its impact in 2020. Their commitments are reflected as follows:

-in 2020, the Fashion Revolution claims 489 partners across 53 countries. The collective also succeeded in engaging 159 political figures by their side. 25,000 people have registered for their online courses and conferences. And 184,000 people have used the Fashion Revolution hashtag to demand change in the industry.

The Fashion Revolution collective shows how important it is to engage together. Present in 92 countries, it works for the common good, the global good, in the service of sustainable fashion.

Fashion Revolution Week takes place this week, and it's here to remind us why we are working for a healthy and responsible industry.


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