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IMAGINE IN THE MOUNTAIN - Letter to the Universe -

Photo du rédacteur: Claire DartiguesClaire Dartigues

Photo: Axel Roumy

In April, we unveiled Claire Dartigues studio latest achievement, IMAGINE IN THE MOUNTAIN. A film shot at the top of the mountain, a meeting between heaven and earth.

IMAGINE IN THE MOUNTAIN, poetic and artistic journey, placed under the sign of hope, written and directed by Claire Dartigues.

"It is born from encounters out of time, out of codes, that only souls can understand"

The Ascent

Photo: Axel Roumy

It was with energy that we climbed the mountain, pulling the couture workshop attached to a second-hand sled. A grueling ascent that made us wander between surpassing ourselves and the pleasure of being here. It was covered with her Ski-Couture suit, and accompanied by the film crew, that Claire went to set up her Couture workshop on a snowy ground. A jumpsuit consisting of a down jacket and ski pants, entirely handmade, from white sports technical fabrics and leather up-cycled, from a vintage coat.

Like a spiritual journey, this ascent allowed her to come face to face with herself, to understand her quest and to put words to her questions. From this ascent, Claire found some answers to be able to express her letter to the universe.

Photo: Axel Roumy

A message to express

Once settled at the top of the mountain, Claire began to write her message to the universe. The designer wants to address humanity to tell it not to lose hope.

Hope, that feeling that is often the source of all motivation and all passion. We must keep hope and act together if we dream of a better world. So, armed with her painting, she began to write her letter, on technical fabric. In reality, this letter, Claire transforms it into several bandanas for dogs of a team of Greenlanders. Claire chose them. They will be the messengers of the universe. Impregnated with their innocence, they will be in the best position to deliver this message to humanity.

Photo: Axel Roumy

Act together

Photo: Axel Roumy

This team belongs to René Duc,

professional musher at Col des Aravis. Claire met him during a spotting a few months earlier. From this meeting, sharing, respect and resilience will be born. So it is at her side that the designer wishes to deliver her message.

For the occasion, she will imagine a tailor-made outfit, a separate piece, at the crossroads of skin and fabric, mixing the old with the new. A Ski-Couture poncho made from white technical sports fabrics and upcycled leather, taken from a vintage coat.

In their outfits, Claire and René will embody hope.

Together, they dress each Greenlander in his bandana and sit on the musher's sleigh. It's time to go carry the message.

"I imagine that together we could be messengers of hope, courage, freedom, joy, respect, resilience, sharing. I imagine that through this meeting, everyone would have a role to play and that through our interactions, our desires, we could together deliver our message."

Photo : Axel Roumy


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