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How does the Claire Dartigues studio act to Free and Sustainable Fashion?

Photo du rédacteur: Claire DartiguesClaire Dartigues

Photo: Claire Dartigues

We all dream of free and sustainable fashion. Fashion without skin color, waistline, or gender. A respectful, caring and forward-looking Fashion.

This fashion we all want it, we all dream it, but who are those who act to make this fashion possible?

New faces are appearing in the fashion sector, a generation of committed designers who want to shake up the players who are already well established. Claire Dartigues is part of this generation. A generation that is innovating, rethinking, in order to be able to do something new with something old, and thus make a sector with immense environmental, societal and human impact more responsible.

Get involved with its know-how

Photo: NYC BY NIGHT Collection - Claire Dartigues

It's all about commitment.

To become involved is to show the world your beliefs.

Getting involved means using your skills and know-how to move your sector forward.

Claire Dartigues has this commitment inside from the beginning. The adventure of committed fashion began after graduating from Parsons School in 2017 as a stylist.

It is by presenting her first "NYC BY NIGHT" collection at the COLLECTIVE X DESIGNOW fashion show that she demonstrates her commitment to the fashion industry. The designer imagines and designs for the occasion, a collection created from recycled fabrics from French fashion houses.

Photo: Ô Pure Collection - Claire Dartigues

A year later, she demonstrate that her commitment is not trendy, and becomes one of the finalists for the Redress Design Award with her “Ô Pure” collection made from recycled fabrics, naturally dyed New York banker shirts - with over-cycled red wine. French Touch!

Fashion is not just about aesthetics, it must be an illustration of everyone's commitments. By creating this collection, Claire denounces the massive pollution caused by the fashion industry in rivers around the world.

That same year, she created her eponymous studio; Claire Dartigues Studio, a studio which aims to renew French Couture. Couture should no longer rhyme with lust and overconsumption, from now on, it should imagine design and innovative. Not another word!

Claire already imagines it and a few months later develops a raincoat and a modular cape in a bag, from up-cycled sail canvas. Design must come back to center stage

Photo: Couture Jersey - Claire Dartigues

Break free from codes

Free fashion, outside codes, outside genders and waistlines ...

Women in sport are not the most represented, even less in the world of professional sport… And even less when it comes to football! "Oulala"

To highlight these sportingly recognized women, Claire created a Couture jersey piece from the 1998 French football jersey.

Upcycling and the emancipation of women: the perfect match!

Zoé Marchal in Paris, 2019

Passionate about sport, the designer does not stop there, in 2019 she launched the "FOOTBALL FOR WOMEN" project and created a whole line of Polo Couture dedicated to the feminization of team sports.

The collection was exhibited at the FIFA Museum in Zurich, a sign that fashion rhymes with football, and that "doing together" is more important than any personal commitment.

Double challenge, double commitment, but only one dream for Claire: to free herself from codes.

Photo : Collection Body Positive - Claire Dartigues

Breaking free from codes is showing that there is not just one way to do things, or to see them. Let's see it big! Think globally, think together, think for everyone.

In October 2020, Claire Dartigues is offering her new pieces in one size. Motivated by the desire to dress every body, the designer imagines a Sport-Couture collection with a bodypositive spirit.

Its flagship product, the “C-shirt”, is also thought in this way. The C-shirt - a Couture t-shirt - for women and men, expresses what design and art give us: confidence and freedom!

Free bodies, free thoughts, free ... us? Caught up in Covid-19 and confinement, we all had to adapt our commitment to the situation. For some, this period is the start of a new way of thinking, for others, it is the time to step up commitments.

During this first confinement, Claire made more than 1,500 design masks from technical fabrics from her Polo Couture collection. Protect yourself yes, but in style!

Let your creativity speak

Committing is also about showing creativity to innovate through this engagement.

We can all commit to a cause, at our scale, but sometimes

it takes creativity to make that engagement impactful.

Advocating the “hand-made”, Claire has been offering Couture Vloge on Youtube for several months to democratize French Couture, by giving the stages of its creative process. It is also a way of showing “behind the scenes”, by being transparent about the production.

Showing behind the scenes, an environment in its raw state, without artifice This is the concept of its IMAGINE series. IMAGINE is a poetic travel

through the imagination of Claire Dartigues. Combining couture, artistic performance and sports, Claire settles in IMAGINE, her sewing workshop in the middle of an extraordinary place. A pure place, without artifice.

In her latest video IMAGINE IN THE MOUNTAIN, Claire encounters this raw environment. A mountain without artifice, where only the barking of the sled-dogs from René's team, would disturb the sound of silence. IMAGINE IN THE MOUNTAIN is the latest installment in the IMAGINE series. This achievement represents the last claim of the designer; to be the bearer and receiver of positive messages for the universe.


Claire Dartigues works alongside the NGO Redress, as an Alumni Ambassador. She is also a member of Fashion Green Days and UAMEP Ambassador.

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